Quotes about Strength
The Bible is replete with commands to persevere, especially in the face of injustice.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Persevering is a fight. That's what a fight is. You face something, you persevere through it, you meet it head on.
- Joseph Benavidez
Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.
- Pope Benedict XVI
I think the essential point is a weakness of faith.
- Pope Benedict XVI
At the end of the day, the enemy is going to be sorry he ever messed with you. You're about to become his worst nightmare a million times over. He thought he could wear you down, sure that after a while you'd give up without much of a fight. Well, just wait till he encounters the fight of God's Spirit in you. Because . . . This. Means. War.
- Priscilla Shirer
But I say his reign of terror stops here. Stops now. He might keep coming, but he won't have victory anymore. Because it all starts failing when we start praying.
- Priscilla Shirer
when we talk about the peace of God, don't think of singing and swaying and holding hands in a circle. The peace of God is strong, intense, palpable, real. You can sense its stable presence giving you inner security despite insecure circumstances.
- Priscilla Shirer
In prayer you gain your strength—the power to gird yourself with armor that extinguishes every weapon your enemy wields.
- Priscilla Shirer
Therefore, the way for the Christian to avoid spiritual collapse is to consider Christ and the opposition He faced from the likes of sinners like Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate. Consider how He faced them with confidence, meekness, and strength.
- Kent Hughes
How can I know God wants to get into my life like that? When I have come to the end of my own strength, I may be sure that God's time is at hand.
- RT Kendall
No matter what degree of power may be given us for a moment of need, let no one ever think he or she has arrived and will always have such power and boldness. We are all as weak as baby kittens before people if God does not supply the power. He can give it or withhold it.
- RT Kendall
More visibility is more power, but more vulnerability.
- Ezra Furman