Quotes about Strength
One of the secrets to life, Epiphany, is to find your gifts and focus on those. Leave your liabilities in the dust of the road not taken. The world is an imperfect place. Everyone struggles. Successful people see trials as growth experiences, rather than stumbling blocks. You have everything you need for success. You're a beautiful young woman, and you're strong, and you have a clever mind. If you let anyone convince you otherwise, you steal from yourself.
- Lisa Wingate
A woman's past need not predict her future. She can dance to new music if she chooses. Her own music. To hear the tune, she must only stop talking. To herself, I mean. We're always trying to persuade ourselves of things." I
- Lisa Wingate
A good heart can't ever let the bad get in, Mama's voice whispers in my head. You got a good heart, Hannie. Don't let the bad get in you. Don't open the door to it, no matter how much it comes knockin' or how sweet it sounds askin'.
- Lisa Wingate
Well, you know how a river moves a mountain." The words surprised me at first, but I knew where they were coming from. "Stone by stone," she finished.
- Lisa Wingate
Like the beach glass, the wood was more beautiful because of its journey, because of the things it had been through. Inside the perfect shells is dim, It's through the cracks, the light comes in.
- Lisa Wingate
I wanted to write it on paper and fold it up in a box to remind myself, the next time I couldn't see anything but mountains ahead, that where there's a mountain, there's always a river flowing nearby. Ultimately the river is the more powerful of the two.
- Lisa Wingate
What we cannot change, we must endure without bitterness.
- Lisa Wingate
What the mind don't 'member, the heart still know. Love, the strongest thang of all.
- Lisa Wingate
There is a moth in a cocoon outside the window... [It] has labored for hours... Inside the darkness, does it know why it must struggle? Somewhere in the mass of cells and neurons that make up its tiny body, is it aware that the struggle is God's way of pumping fluid into its wings? If not for the struggle, it would come into the world with a swollen body and flightless wings. It would be a creature without strength, unable to fulfill its purpose.
- Lisa Wingate
The most difficult battles are not the ones fought outside the armor, but the ones within it.
- Lisa Wingate
No way out but through the storm now.
- Lisa Wingate
Sometimes you need that soft place to fall. That's your family, your faith. The stuff that doesn't change when everything else does.
- Lisa Wingate