Quotes about Strength
Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you.
- Mark Batterson
Even our hardest prayers are easy for the Omnipotent One to answer because there is no degree of difficulty.
- Mark Batterson
So thank God for opposition. It forces us to pray like it depends on god, which it does. And it reconditions our reflexes in the process.
- Mark Batterson
Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers.
- Mark Batterson
Sometimes the purpose of prayer is to get us out of circumstances, but more often than not, the purpose of prayer is to get us through them.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer is the way we let go and let God. Prayer is the way we take our hands off and let God put His hands on. Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you.
- Mark Batterson
Facing your fears is the beginning of the battle.
- Mark Batterson
Are your problems bigger than God, or is God bigger than your problems?
- Mark Batterson
The spiritual disciplines are art forms. Your first prayer will probably look like a kindergartener's painting. Of course, God still puts it on His refrigerator! But if you keep practicing prayer, your faith will become fluent. Living a Spirit-led life is a steep learning curve. It takes timeāand by time, I mean decades, not days. You have to grow in the spiritual disciplines little by little. That's how you go from strength to strength. You keep benchmarking
- Mark Batterson
Remind them that their failures don't define who they are!
- Mark Batterson
Sometimes the power of prayer is the power to carry on. It doesn't always change your circumstances, but it gives you the strength to walk through them.
- Mark Batterson
But as long as Aaron and Hur lifted his arms, the army was victorious. All of us need Aarons and Hurs in our lives. We need people who are strong when we're weak. We need people who are full of faith when we're running on empty. We need people who will fight for us on their knees. We all need a prayer circle!
- Mark Batterson