Quotes about Independence
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring.
- Desmond Tutu
Every man's happiness is his own responsibility.
- Abraham Lincoln
Better be an old maid, a woman with herself as a husband, than the wife of a fool; and Solomon more than hints that all men are fools; and every wise man knows himself to be one.
- Herman Melville
Not stones, nor wood, nor the art of artisans make a state; but where men are who know how to take care of themselves, these are cities and walls.
- John Quincy Adams
Self reliance, the height and perfection of man, is reliance on God.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
More and more, when faced with the world of men, the only reaction is one of individualism. Man alone is an end unto himself. Everything one tries to do for the common good ends in failure.
- Albert Camus
One day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
- Ronald Reagan
Ultimate freedom is a man's right to choose his attitude.
- Viktor E. Frankl
No man in his senses can hesitate in choosing to be free, rather than a slave.
- Alexander Hamilton
The man who is content to live alone is either a beast or a god.
- Aristotle
Moses never called for a committee when the Egyptians were breathing down his neck.
- Neil Anderson
Individual freedom must be established before corporate freedom can be realized, but
- Neil Anderson