Quotes about Independence
If I were invited to a dinner party with my characters, I wouldn't show up.
- Dr. Seuss
In business for yourself, not by yourself.
- William James
Remember that to change your mind and follow him who sets you right is to be none the less free than you were before.
- Marcus Aurelius
If you make a choice that goes against what everyone else thinks, the world will not fall apart.
- Oprah Winfrey
I am the master of my fate and the captain of my destiny.
- Nelson Mandela
Hey, mister, I don't think so. You go outside and yell at sky, you so angry.
- Rainbow Rowell
A girl who truly knows herself is a girl everybody else wants to know
- Mandy Hale
Those who choose to be servants know the most about being free.
- Janette Oke
A person doesn't demonstrate independence by rebelling. You do it by shouldering responsibilities, making wise, thoughtful decisions.
- Janette Oke
The ability to be alone with your thoughts is, in fact, one of the key advantages of working remotely. When you work on your own, far away from the buzzing swarm at headquarters, you can settle into your own productive zone. You can actually get work done—the same work that you couldn't get done at work! Yes
- Jason Fried
One of the secret benefits of hiring remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone's performance.
- Jason Fried
To successfully work with other people, you have to trust each other. A big part of this is trusting people to get their work done wherever they are, without supervision."‡
- Jason Fried