Quotes about Selflessness
Love is the great conqueror of lust. Being in love is far better than either common sensuality or cold self-centeredness.
- CS Lewis
Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary What we need is Love without getting tired.
- Mother Teresa
Love never says, 'I love you, do you love me?' It always says; 'I love you and that is all'.
- Dan Mohler
I want the love that cannot help but love; Loving, like God, for very sake of love.
- AB Simpson
The more we keep our mind on ourselves and our wants, the more unhappy we become. God wants us to love others and meet their needs.
- Joyce Meyer
You can sacrifice and not love. But you cannot love and not sacrifice.
- Kris Vallotton
When you love you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve.
- Ernest Hemingway
This is the reason why our Theology is certain: because it seizes us from ourselves and places us outside ourselves.
- Martin Luther
A true Christian lives and labors on earth not for himself but for his neighbor. Therefore the whole spirit of his life him impels him to do even that which he needs not do, but which is profitable and necessary for his neighbor.
- Martin Luther
Although the Christian is thus free from all works, he ought in this liberty to empty himself, take upon himself the form of a servant, be made in the likeness of men, be found in human form, and to serve, help and in every way deal with his neighbor as he sees that God through Christ has dealt and still deals with him.
- Martin Luther
A man does not live for himself alone in this mortal body to work for it alone, but he lives also for all men on earth; rather, he lives only for others and not for himself. To this end he brings his body into subjection that he may the more sincerely and freely serve others.
- Martin Luther
Each one should become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christs to one another and Christ may be the same in all, that is, that we may be truly Christians.
- Martin Luther