Quotes about Selflessness
Theirs not to make reply,Theirs not to reason why,Theirs but to do and die.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
When we have nothing to cling to as our own and cease thinking of ourselves as people who must defend privileges, we can open ourselves freely to others with the faithful expectation that our strength will manifest itself in our shared weakness.
- Henri Nouwen
It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success.
- George Washington Carver
Holy poverty confounds cupidity and avarice and the cares of this world.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
You can't take care of charity unless you take care of yourself first.
- Robert Kiyosaki
We love those whom we serve (p. 26)
- Richard Paul Evans
Helping others carries its own rewards, the first of which is a return to humanity.
- Richard Paul Evans
The Golden Rule is a two-edged sword. If some of us treated others as we treat ourselves, we would be jailed.
- Richard Paul Evans
Romance novels are all about desire and happily-ever-after, but happily-ever-after doesn't come from desire—at least not the kind portrayed in pulp romances. Real love is not to desire a person but to desire their happiness—sometimes even at the expense of our own happiness. Real love is to expand our own capacity for tolerance and caring, to actively seek another's well-being. All else is simply a charade of self-interest.
- Richard Paul Evans
Growing up means putting aside our egocentricity for truth.
- Richard Paul Evans
The measure of love isn't how much you want someone. It's revealed in what you want for them.
- Richard Paul Evans
Real love is to expand our own capacity for tolerance and caring, to actively seek another's well-being. All else is simply a charade of self-interest. Zeke
- Richard Paul Evans