Quotes about Selflessness
The Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on tiptoe. God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves.
- DL Moody
Let this be thy whole endeavor, this thy prayer, this thy desire,-that thou mayest be stripped of all selfishness, and with entire simplicity follow Jesus only.
- Thomas a Kempis
We cannot ask in behalf of Christ what Christ would not ask Himself if He were praying.
- AB Simpson
I seldom made an errand to God for another but I got something for myself.
- Samuel Rutherford
Before we can pray "Lord Thy Kingdom come " we must be willing to pray "My Kingdom go."
- Alan Redpath
The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give.
- Walt Whitman
Love is unselfishly choosing for another's highest good.
- CS Lewis
Christianity is not a religion or a philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle. The core of that lifestyle is thinking of others, as Jesus did, instead of ourselves.
- Rick Warren
If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices.
- Mother Teresa
The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give.... In any case, the giving of love is an education in itself.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
- William Osler
You must remember always to give, of everything you have. You must give foolishly even. You must be extravagant. You must give to all who come into your life. Then nothing and no one shall have power to cheat you of anything, for if you give to a thief, he cannot steal from you, and he himself is then no longer a thief. And the more you give, the more you will have to give.
- William Saroyan