Quotes about Advocacy
Let us be on the side of those who sit in jails and are sentenced to death for their faith. Let us pray for them and help them.
- Richard Wurmbrand
Gay marriage is going to happen. It must.
- Lady Gaga
My civil rights will not be trampled, and I say this not for me but for my children, and all those who yearn to breathe free. Those who make your Apple products at Foxxcon, those who languish in prisons in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Those homosexuals who are stoned to death in the streets of Egypt or Iran, while our so-called civil rights leaders hold coffee klatches with third graders in the White House.
- Glenn Beck
All my years campaigning have given me one clear message: Voting isn't the most we can do, but it is the least. To have a democracy, you have to want one. Still, I realize this fully only by looking back.
- Gloria Steinem
if you don't stand up for yourselves, how can you stand up for anybody else?
- Gloria Steinem
Women are always better liked if we sacrifice ourselves for something bigger—and something bigger always means including men, even though something bigger for men doesn't usually mean including women.
- Gloria Steinem
American travel seems to need an advocate.
- Gloria Steinem
We could double our chances by working for one of these candidates, not against the other. For now, I've figured out how to answer reporters when they ask if I'm supporting Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. I just say yes.
- Gloria Steinem
Politics are a part of daily life.
- Gloria Steinem
I don't know enough to be a feminist." Or even "I'm not smart enough to be a feminist." It breaks my heart.
- Gloria Steinem
Let our voices be heard. I hope they will not be shrill voices, but, I hope we shall speak with such conviction that those to whom we speak shall know of the strength of our feeling and the sincerity of our efforts.
- Gordon Hinckley
Nobody wants his cause near as bad as he wants to talk about his cause.
- Will Rogers