Quotes about Comparison
Meanness at church sometimes exceeds anything that occurs in secular surroundings.
- Beth Moore
When we judge a brother's or sister's sin as so much worse than our own, we are like lepers counting spots. "She has more than I do.
- Beth Moore
How careful we must be not to think that God is less holy because others seem to get away with irreverence! We are sometimes tempted to measure our respect for God by the lack of respect surrounding us. The godless, however, are not our standard. God is. Through the pen of King David, God told us to "praise him according to his excellent greatness," not according to public opinion (Ps. 150:2 KJV).
- Beth Moore
Beloved, stop looking at others as more spiritual than you and just start believing God!
- Beth Moore
Beloved, stop looking at others as more spiritual than you and just start believing God!
- Beth Moore
Beloved, stop looking at others as more spiritual than you and just start believing God!
- Beth Moore
Be careful of those who allow microscopes to replace mirrors in their lives, holding you to standards you were never called to maintain.
- Beth Moore
A romance with Christ differs so dramatically from a romance between mortals.
- Beth Moore
Sins that differ from ours always seem worse.
- Beth Moore
Those who make them are just like them, as are all who trust in them. Psalm 135:18
- Beth Moore
If I want him to remain until I come," Jesus answered, "what is that to you? As for you, follow Me." John 21:22
- Beth Moore
Stop looking at others as if they are so much more spiritual than you and just start believing God!
- Beth Moore