Quotes about Comparison
To a small man every greater is an exaggeration.
- Henry David Thoreau
A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.
- Henry Ward Beecher
God is like us to this extent, that whatever in us is good is like God.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Jews do not have to be Christians. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, but too utopian, too hopeful, too unrealistic a turn.
- Michael Novak
Performancism is the mindset that equates our identity and value directly with our performance and accomplishments.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Believing that your competition is stronger and better than you pushes you to better yourselves.
- Simon Sinek
success is not a comparison of what we have done with what others have done.
- Myles Munroe
I think he's accomplished so much, I don't think it's fair to put me in the same category as Coach Payton. I think, hopefully, if you achieve even close to what he has in this league, then maybe you start to get mentioned.
- Sean McVay
The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
But the pride of those who live as if they believed they were better than anyone else is rooted in a secret failure to believe in their own goodness.
- Thomas Merton
Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man... It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone.
- CS Lewis
In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that-and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison-you do not know God at all.
- CS Lewis