Quotes about Zeal
We all tend to make zealous judgement, and thereby close ourselves off from revelation.
- Madeleine L'Engle
It is not the vaccinationists but the antivaccinationists who generate zeal. People are zealous for a cause when they are not quite positive that it is true.
- Madeleine L'Engle
For this reason, let us put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering. Let us prove our Christlikeness, not only in our zeal for saving the lost, but also openly in all our interactions with the brethren, by being tolerant and forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us
- Andrew Murray
What a difference between the carnal and the spiritual Christian (I Cor. 3.1-3)! With the carnal Christian there may be much religion and much zeal for God, and for the service of God. But it is for the most part in human power. With the spiritual, on the other hand, there is a complete subjection to the leading of the Spirit, a deep sense of weakness and entire dependence on the work of Christ-it is a life of abiding fellowship with Christ, wrought out by the Spirit.
- Andrew Murray
Therefore, let us put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering; and let us prove our Christlikeness not only in our zeal for saving the lost but also in our relationships with others—forbearing and forgiving one another, even as the Lord forgave us.
- Andrew Murray
Nevertheless, secularity, like any good thing, can be overdone. In our zeal to laicize our piety, we shouldn't leave people guessing whether we're Christians. That would be every bit as unnatural as wearing a monk's habit over one's work clothes. Our secularity should never lapse into secularism.
- Scott Hahn
It is absurd to boast of zeal for the law, when one neglects the divine interpretation of it.
- John Calvin
Men will never worship God with a sincere heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with sufficient zeal until they properly understand how much they are indebted to His mercy.
- John Calvin
But we ever find, that even those who have not been deficient in their zeal for piety, nor in reverence and sobriety in handling the mysteries of God, have by no means agreed among themselves on every point; for God hath never favored his servants with so great a benefit, that they were all endued with a full and perfect knowledge in every thing; and, no doubt, for this end — that he might first keep them humble; and secondly, render them disposed to cultivate brotherly intercourse.
- John Calvin
Man is only great when he acts from passion.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Praying without fervency is like hunting with a dead dog.
- Charles Spurgeon
Think excitement, talk excitement, act out excitement, and you are bound to become an excited person.
- Norman Vincent Peale