Quotes about Zeal
For at least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols
- Aldous Huxley
I want to know what passion is, she heard him saying. I want to feel something strongly.
- Aldous Huxley
With out passion you dont have energy, with out energy you have nothing.
- Donald Trump
Whatever you are doing in the game of life, give it all you've got
- Norman Vincent Peale
Life can be boring unless you put some effort into it.
- John Maxwell
Nothing great ever happened without enthusiasm.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
True zeal is connected with a holy life. It is remarkable how often the greatest zealots for God, the Church, and sound doctrine (as they regard it), have been unholy and even immoral in their lives.
- Charles Hodge
You'll know your heart's been set aflame by the fire of revival when nothing else matters to you as much as He does — and your love for Him.
- Anne Graham Lotz
Defined in psychological terms, a fanatic is a man who consciously over-compensates a secret doubt.
- Aldous Huxley
These consecrated ones, by their lifestyles and anointings, shook people out of their complacency and confronted the religious status quo with a burning zeal for the name and fame of God.
- Lou Engle
Zealousness to learn from life is seldom found, but all the more frequently a desire, inclination, and reciprocal haste to be deceived by life.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Be passionate about something and lean to that strength.
- Michelle Obama