Quotes about Youth
When we are young and restless to be free, home is the place from which we long to escape. But if there is still a home intact when trouble arises and life becomes a battlefield, home is the place to which we yearn to return.
- Billy Graham
Immorality is glorified today. The Scripture teaches that God hates immorality! The ideal of purity is scorned, immorality is laughed at in school—"God is old-fashioned!" What else can we expect but that thousands of our young people are growing up to be immoral?7
- Billy Graham
Today we have more knowledge than at any other time in history. In seconds our laptops or PCs can call up information about a topic that would have taken years to collect. Young people graduate with more knowledge than ever before—but in spite of their knowledge, they are confused, bewildered, frustrated, and without moral moorings.
- Billy Graham
You can put a public school and university in the middle of every block of every city in America—but you will never keep America from rotting morally by mere intellectual education.
- Billy Graham
The television, iPod, and Internet have trespassed upon the innocence of America's children, while preoccupied mothers and dispassionate fathers stare aghast wondering what went wrong. They don't stop to think of their own contributions to the persuasions influencing their children. After all, where do kids as young as elementary age get money to rent rock videos and the latest rap DVDs?
- Billy Graham
I have not known of too many people who found Christ on their deathbeds. When we come to Christ in our youth, a life is saved. When we come in old age, a soul is salvaged and life eternal is assured; but the opportunity to live a life for Christ has been lost.
- Billy Graham
Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. What our young people want to see in their elders is integrity, honesty, truthfulness, and faith. What they hate most of all is hypocrisy and phoniness . . . Let them see us doing what we would like them to do.
- Billy Graham
Our youth are desperately searching for purpose and meaning in their lives. They are searching for fulfillment . . . I believe that a return to biblical conversion, faith, and conviction would have a great impact in our day.
- Billy Graham
If young people could only realize that a happy marriage depends not only on the present, but upon the past, they would be more reluctant to enter into loose, intimate relations with anyone and everyone.
- Billy Graham
There is a great identity crisis among students today. Who am I? What is the purpose of life? Where did I come from? Where am I going? The Bible has a direct answer to this great big philosophical question and unless God seals the vacuum among youth today, then some other ideology will, because young people must have a faith. They must believe in something to find fulfillment in their lives.
- Billy Graham
In America we have an idolatry called the "adulation of youth." Apparently distressed by their inability to communicate with the younger generation, many adults simply imitate it.
- Billy Graham
Millions of young people are shifting from one side to the other. They are like unguided missiles filled with energy and ambition and yet somehow not "fitting in." Peer pressure leads them astray … [and] in thousands of churches they are led astray theologically.
- Billy Graham