Quotes about Apprehension
You know something when you are able to deal with it as it is on an appropriate basis of thought and experience.
- Dallas Willard
They are frightened of the air.
- William Golding
But God gives true theologians a hunger born of humility, which cannot be satisfied with formulas and arguments, and which looks for something closer to God than analogy can bring you. This serene hunger of the spirit penetrates the surface of words and goes beyond the human formulation of mysteries and seeks, in the humiliation of silence, intellectual solitude and interior poverty, the gift of a supernatural apprehension which words cannot truly signify.
- Thomas Merton
I've always been frightened of turning thirty.
- Emily Atack
Indecision crystallizes into DOUBT, the two blend and become FEAR!
- Napoleon Hill
Worry is a state of mind based on fear.
- Napoleon Hill
Nothing is worse than what we can imagine.
- JM Coetzee
the news that had everyone from Toronto to Tokyo crapping in their cornflakes
- Ernest Cline
I am scared of getting old. I am scared of being ill.
- Ben Stein
When the vivid reality which is meant by these rather abstract words is truly possessed by us, when that which is unchanging in ourselves is given its chance, and emerges from the stream of succession to recognise its true home and goal, which is God—then, though much suffering may, indeed will, remain; apprehension, confusion, instability, despair, will cease.
- Evelyn Underhill
The only thing we have to fear is the FEAR itself.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Now I wanted to be acknowledged, but I feared it.
- Margaret Atwood