Quotes about Synergy
Because as the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates.
- John Maxwell
GROWING SYNERGY—their effectiveness is greater than the sum of the contributions
- John Maxwell
No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you'll always lose out to a team.
- John Maxwell
they all share the ability to connect visually, intellectually, emotionally, and verbally.
- John Maxwell
Choose to collaborate with others. There's no greater way to increase your potential.
- John Maxwell
A team is a group of people who may not be equal in experience, talent, or education but in commitment."
- John Maxwell
THE LAW OF THE CHAIN The Strength of the Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link.
- John Maxwell
God] wants us to work with Him, honey. Not for Him.
- Lynn Austin
To become a collaborative team player... Think win-win-win. King Solomon of ancient Israel observed, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Usually when you collaborate with others, you win, they win, and the team wins. Find someone on the team with a similar role whom you have previously seen as a competitor. Figure out ways you can share information and work together to benefit both you and the team.
- John Maxwell
One shining quality lends a lustre to another, or hides some glaring defect.
- William Hazlitt
Put simply, innovative thinkers connect fields, problems, or ideas that others find unrelated.
- Clayton M. Christensen
They went in and out of each other's minds without any effort.
- Virginia Woolf