Quotes about Addiction
The devil has some Christians in POW camps due to alcohol, drugs, pornography, fear, discouragement, depression, pride, narcissism, materialism, and a whole host of other problems.
- Tony Evans
As far as I'm concerned the only thing to do is sit in a room and get drunk
- Jack Kerouac
No matter how hard you might try, you can't escape the spiritual bond between you and your Maker. You can't drink it away. You can't smoke it away. You can't sex it away.
- Bishop TD Jakes
It's bitterness that drives you to alcohol or drugs or food or pornography or anything else as a method of coping with your season of suffering. When you've been consumed by bitterness, you develop a desire to consume anything that will get the taste out of your mouth—
- Bishop TD Jakes
There still can be help and hope after a point of crisis, and we must never forget that. The church is supposed to be a redeeming community, in which every member is on one rung of the recovery ladder, reaching down to the person on the rung below and helping them rise above their circumstances and addictions. This cannot happen unless there is honesty-about ourselves and with each other.
- Neil Anderson
I am simply a 'book drunkard.' Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. I cannot withstand them.
- LM Montgomery
I am simply a 'book drunkard.' Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. I cannot withstand them.
- LM Montgomery
Optimism is the opium of the people.
- Milan Kundera
The most powerful hallucinogen in this planet is called Love. Highly Addictive! You will see and hear things that don't exist!
- Paulo Coelho
Tobacco is the tomb of love.
- Benjamin Disraeli
One of the most powerful antidotes to addiction is participating in different activities, lifting the addicts out of themselves and into positive, constructive acts of creation.
- Gary Thomas
Sometimes folks ask this question about giving to beggars and panhandlers with suspicion, speculating that homeless folks will just use their money for drugs or alcohol, which happens sometimes. But we don't always ask what CEOs are doing with our money when we give it to their companies, and they may also be buying drugs or pornography (or yachts) with our money! In
- Shane Claiborne