Quotes about Shortcomings
It is important for us to see that our mentors are human and therefore fallible; it makes our own shortcomings more tenable.
- John Wooden
God's answer for our shortcomings is the gift of salvation through His gift of grace, a gift that cannot be earned (Rom. 4:4). Many in the church understand this. Yet we have failed to emphasize the power of grace not only to redeem us but also to grant us its ability to live our lives in a totally different manner.
- John Bevere
And you will have greater credibility with your leader if you admit your shortcomings and refrain from making excuses.
- John Maxwell
All of those shortcomings are the result of character, not capacity. Character growth determines the height of your personal growth. That's the Law of the Ladder.
- John Maxwell
kids with parents who are honest about their shortcomings seem to do better in life. What I mean is parents who aren't trying to be perfect or pretend they're perfect have kids who trust and respect them more. It's as though vulnerability and openness act as the soil that fosters security. And I'd say that's the quality I most often sense in the children of honest, open parents. I sense security.
- Donald Miller
Trifles make the sum of human things, and half our misery from our foibles springs.
- Hannah More
So we do not have the strength we should have, and Jesus' commandments become overwhelmingly burdensome to us. In fact, many Christians cannot even believe he actually intended for us to carry them out. So what is the result? His teachings are treated as a mere ideal, one that we may better ourselves by aiming for but know we are bound to fall glaringly short of.
- Dallas Willard
Even when we make mistakes, we hope others will love us in spite of our shortcomings - even if we don't deserve it.
- Joseph Wirthlin
But the man who is not afraid to admit everything that he sees to be wrong with himself, and yet recognizes that he may be the object of God's love precisely because of his shortcomings, can begin to be sincere. His sincerity is based on confidence, not in his own illusions about himself, but in the endless, unfailing mercy of God.
- Thomas Merton
God loves us despite our shortcomings and sins, and his love gives meaning to our lives and to the life of the world.
- Pope Benedict XVI
If I seem to boast more than is becoming, my excuse is that I brag for humanity rather than for myself; and my shortcomings and inconsistencies do not affect the truth of my statement.
- Henry David Thoreau
Yes, our country has its shortcomings, but there's no moral equivalency between democracy and totalitarianism…There's no moral equivalency between propaganda and the truth.
- Ronald Reagan