Quotes about Sacrifice
Jesus knew he had come not just to preach the gospel of sacrifice, but also to be that sacrifice, yet he was perfectly willing.
- Paul David Tripp
I have been freed, not from God's rule, but from my bondage to me.
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus faced separation from his Father in the here and now so that we would know the Father's acceptance now and for all eternity.
- Paul David Tripp
God loves too much to be willing to forsake his glorious kingdom of grace for your self-absorbed little kingdom of one.
- Paul David Tripp
It is only when we really do believe that life is bigger than us, that there is something more important than our wants, needs, and feelings, and that we have been given life and breath for the purposes, plans, and praise of another, that we will be willing to forgive.
- Paul David Tripp
Yet this grand and glorious God, for the purpose of redemption, becomes a man. The untraversable line between Creator and creature is crossed. The Word becomes flesh. The feet of God touch earth! The voice of God is heard on earth! The Lord comes as the Second Adam, the Word of Life, the Final Priest, and the Sacrificial Lamb. He satisfies God's requirements, he atones for God's anger, and he defeats death.
- Paul David Tripp
There is no defeat in the cross. Only triumph is to be found there.
- Paul David Tripp
No, the message is that God puts an uncompromising standard before us, then sends his Son to perfectly meet that standard on our behalf, so that we can be free to admit our failures and go to God for help. The cross of Jesus Christ means I don't have to deny my struggle as a parent, I don't have to act as if I'm something that I'm not, and I surely don't have to hide from the only One who is able to help me.
- Paul David Tripp
DECEMBER 25 Jesus was despised and rejected in the here and now so that you would have the Father's love and acceptance forever.
- Paul David Tripp
This is the upside-down world of ministry calling. The pathway to freedom is servanthood, the pathway to greatness is slavery, and the pathway to deep and lasting joy—joy that people and circumstance cannot take away—is denying yourself
- Paul David Tripp
It's so easy to fail to live in light of the fact that Jesus didn't die just for your past forgiveness (praise God that he did) or your future resurrection (what hope!), but also for everything you are facing in the here and now.
- Paul David Tripp
It really is true that when you're living for you, the call to love others is always a burden for you
- Paul David Tripp