Quotes about Sacrifice
Christian mission means implementing the victory that Jesus won on the cross. Everything else follows from this.
- NT Wright
James and John have been asking for the places at Jesus's right and left so as to accompany him as he completes the glorious work of bringing in God's kingdom, defeating all the powers that have held the human race captive. But those places are reserved for the two who are crucified alongside him as he hangs there with "King of the Jews" above his head.
- NT Wright
The Christians would stay and nurse people. Sometimes they caught the disease and died. People were astonished. What was that about? Oh, they replied, we are followers of this man Jesus. He put his life on the line to save us. So that's what we do as well.
- NT Wright
will be painful. That is part of the point, not that we seek the pain, but that we seek to follow Jesus.
- NT Wright
So what if it were true after all? What if the Creator, all along, had made the world out of overflowing, generous love, so that the overflowing, self-sacrificial love of the Son going to the cross was indeed the accurate and precise self-expression of the love of God for a world radically out of joint?
- NT Wright
the victory of the cross will be implemented through the means of the cross.
- NT Wright
Suffering and dying is the way by which the world is changed. This is how the revolution continues.
- NT Wright
The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was a one-off event, the one on behalf of the many, the one moment in history on behalf of all others through which sins would be forgiven, the powers robbed of their power, and humans redeemed to take their place as worshippers and stewards, celebrating the powerful victory of God in his Messiah and so gaining the Spirit's power to make his kingdom effective in the world.
- NT Wright
The apostle Paul said, "I will very gladly spend and be spent for you" (2 Corinthians 12:15 KJV). That's part of what is involved in ministering to others, whether in a synagogue, a Sunday school class, or a house full of little ones.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Love is not a feeling; it is a commitment to act in the best interests of another.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Men will be drawn back into family life only when they are convinced that being a good husband and father is a manly thing to do. That parental duty and sacrifice are masculine virtues. That marital love and fidelity are not female standards imposed on men externally but an integral part of the male character. Something inherent and original, created by God.
- Nancy Pearcey
God cannot be rejected without putting something else in his place.
- Nancy Pearcey