Quotes about Surveillance
How long is this to last? asked the inspector finally. And what is it we are watching for? I have no more notion than you how long it is to last, Holmes answered with some asperity. If criminals would always schedule their movements like railway trains, it would certainly be more convenient for all of us.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
You then went to the vicarage, waited outside it for some time, and finally returned to your cottage." "How do you know that?" "I followed you." "I saw no one." "That is what you may expect to see when I follow you.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
The fact that Facebook presents facial recognition programmes as a desirable development, well, that in itself is a decisive step toward fascism, as far as I'm concerned.
- Christoph Waltz
The spider looks for the merchant who doesn't advertise so he can spin a web across his door and lead a life of undisturbed peace.
- Mark Twain
A village is a hive of glass, where nothing unobserved can pass.
- Charles Spurgeon
The person who is bent on killing you will follow you wherever you are.
- Ed Koch
Thanks to technological progress, Big Brother can now be almost as omnipresent as God.
- Aldous Huxley
The following morning, when I met for breakfast with the staff, we kept noisy music playing loudly on a tape recorder as a precaution against hidden microphones. It was a good thing we did: Later, we found five listening devices hidden in our rooms in the guesthouse. One staffer unscrewed a plate over the light switch in his room, discovered a bug, removed it, and took it home as a souvenir.
- Ronald Reagan
The U.S. Constitution protects our privacy from the prying eyes of government. It does not, however, protect us from the prying eyes of companies and corporations.
- Simon Sinek
By "trampling upon the helpless abroad" with unchecked surveillance, Americans have learned, "by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home."
- Mark Twain
Sales of George Orwell's 1984 have skyrocketed. It's true. So the fallout from the (NSA spying) scandal is worse than we thought. It's forcing Americans to read.
- Conan O'Brien