Quotes about Coexistence
Nothing in Man is either worse or better for being shared with the beasts.
- CS Lewis
Where there's compassion, no heirarchy can exist. Where men are allowed to create themselves as equals, evil cannot thrive or survive.
- Dean Frazer
We are united with all life that is in nature. Man can no longer live his life for himself alone.
- Albert Schweitzer
Holy Moses, let us live in peace. Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease. There's a man over there, what's his colour I don't care, he's my brother, let us live in peace.
- Elton John
Every man has an equal right to the necessaries of life even as birds and beasts have.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Individual liberty is allowed to man only to a certain extent. He cannot forget that he is a social being and his individual liberty has to be curtailed at every step.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Men exist for each other. Then either improve them, or put up with them.
- Marcus Aurelius
We want a state of things in which crime will not pay, a state of things which allows every man the largest liberty compatible with the liberty of every other man.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The lion will lay down with the lamb...but every morning they'll have to provide a new lamb. Maybe this world is another planet's hell.
- Aldous Huxley
Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with God forever reflect, in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God.
- Mary Baker Eddy
Politics can be strengthened by music, but music has a potency that defies politics.
- Nelson Mandela
It is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that our species will be able to remain in it.
- Wendell Berry