Quotes about Coexistence
We merely want to live in peace with all the world.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
We are all life trying to live, among other life trying to live.
- Albert Einstein
Any society which does not insist upon respect for all life must necessarily decay.
- Albert Einstein
So long as there are men, there will be wars.
- Albert Einstein
human community life cannot long endure on a basis of crude force, brutality, terror, and hate. Only understanding for our neighbors, justice in our dealings, and willingness to help our fellow men can give human society permanence and assure security for the individual.
- Albert Einstein
Wisdom never puts enmity anywhere.
- Aldous Huxley
For in politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.
- Alexander Hamilton
Man lives freely only by his readiness to die, if need be, at the hands of his brother, never by killing him.
- Mahatma Gandhi
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
- Jimmy Carter
We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
- Jimmy Carter
We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
- Jimmy Carter
The artificial leg was like an alien body, fitted to mine. Both had to respond to each other.
- Sudha Chandran