Quotes about Warning
Ephraim will be laid waste on the day of rebuke. Among the tribes of Israel I proclaim what is certain.
- Hosea 5:9
As they go, I will spread My net over them; I will bring them down like birds of the air. I will chastise them when I hear them flocking together.
- Hosea 7:12
Put the ram’s horn to your lips! An eagle looms over the house of the LORD, because the people have transgressed My covenant and rebelled against My law.
- Hosea 8:1
For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. There is no standing grain; what sprouts fails to yield flour. Even if it should produce, the foreigners would swallow it up.
- Hosea 8:7
The prophet is Ephraim’s watchman, along with my God, yet the snare of the fowler lies on all his paths. Hostility is in the house of his God!
- Hosea 9:8
Even if they raise their children, I will bereave them of each one. Yes, woe be to them when I turn away from them!
- Hosea 9:12
I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted in a meadow. But Ephraim will bring out his children for slaughter.
- Hosea 9:13
Wake up, you drunkards, and weep; wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the sweet wine, for it has been cut off from your mouth.
- Joel 1:5
Alas for the day! For the Day of the LORD is near, and it will come as destruction from the Almighty.
- Joel 1:15
Blow the ram’s horn in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy mountain! Let all who dwell in the land tremble, for the Day of the LORD is coming; indeed, it is near—
- Joel 2:1
Nations writhe in horror before them; every face turns pale.
- Joel 2:6
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD.
- Joel 2:31