Quotes about Understanding
Don't give me the peace that passeth understanding, give me understanding.
- Helen Keller
Listening to what people in other countries are saying and trying to understand how they perceive their place in the world is essential to a future of peace and security at home and abroad.
- Hillary Clinton
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace.
- Mother Teresa
I do not want the peace which pass-eth understanding I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
- Helen Keller
Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things man will not find peace.
- Albert Schweitzer
Love sees more with its eyes closed than hate with its eyes open.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
Raise your thoughts, not your fists.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
The Study of philosophy is not that we may know what men have thought, but what the truth of things is.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The reason I can't follow the old eye-for-an-eye philosophy is that it ends up leaving everyone blind.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Philosophy is the sum total of all that you know and what you decide is valuable.
- Jim Rohn
The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.
- Mahatma Gandhi