Quotes about Understanding
from birth we are all philosophers, we are all theologians, and we all function like archeologists, digging through the mound of our existence to make sense of it all.
- Paul David Tripp
if your faith is based on your ability to fully understand your past, present, and future, then your moments of confusion will become moments of weakening faith.
- Paul David Tripp
You can't buy wisdom. You can't get it by hard work or lots of experience. No, wisdom is the result of rescue and relationship.
- Paul David Tripp
The person next to you doesn't need the gospel more than you do; he just needs it differently than you do. All people sin and fall short.
- Paul David Tripp
you and I need to be open and approachable in the midst of our discouragement. We'll never get the help we need if we first demand that people sign on to our view of things before we are willing to open up to them and listen to what they have to say to us.
- Paul David Tripp
Love calls you to be silent when you want to speak, and to speak when you would like to be silent.
- Paul David Tripp
Knowledge is an accurate understanding of truth. Wisdom is understanding and living in light of how that truth applies to the situations and relationships of your daily life. Knowledge is an exercise of your brain. Wisdom is the commitment of your heart that leads to transformation of your life.
- Paul David Tripp
First, God is not shocked or surprised that you are discouraged
- Paul David Tripp
The things you do and say always tell you more about yourself than whoever you're speaking or responding to
- Paul David Tripp
Here is suffering's paradox: the very things we would do anything to avoid, the very things that confront our understanding of who we are, and the very things that cause us the most pain become the very things that usher into our lives the blessings of the help, hope, peace, and rest that we all long to experience.
- Paul David Tripp
Peace is found in trusting the person who controls all the things that you don't understand and who knows no mystery because he has planned it all.
- Paul David Tripp
All created things are signs that point us to what can be found in him. You know how this works from driving around or from taking a trip: a sign points you to a thing, but the sign is not the thing. Creation points us to the Creator, but it can never give us what the Creator can give.
- Paul David Tripp