Quotes about Understanding
If anything is a mystery to you and is coming between you and God, never look for the explanation in your mind, but look for it in your spirit, your true inner nature—that is where the problem is. Once your inner spiritual nature is willing to submit to the life of Jesus, your understanding will be perfectly clear, and you will come to the place where there is no distance between the Father and you, His child, because the Lord has made you one.
- Oswald Chambers
Every time I judge, I condemn myself (see Romans 2:17—24). Stop having a measuring stick for other people. There is always at least one more fact, which we know nothing about, in every person's situation. The first thing God does is to give us a thorough spiritual cleaning. After that, there is no possibility of pride remaining in us. I have never met a person I could despair of, or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God.
- Oswald Chambers
a full and overflowing life does not rest in bodily health, in circumstances, nor even in seeing God's work succeed, but in the perfect understanding of God, and in the same fellowship and oneness with Him that Jesus Himself enjoyed.
- Oswald Chambers
O could I tell, you surely would believe it! O could I only say what I have seen! How should I tell or how can you receive it, How, till He bringeth you where I have been?
- Oswald Chambers
God reveals in John 17 that His purpose is not just to answer our prayers, but that through prayer we might come to discern His mind.
- Oswald Chambers
The lasting characteristic of a spiritual man is the ability to understand correctly the meaning of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life, and the ability to explain the purposes of God to others. The overruling passion of his life is Jesus Christ. Whenever you see this quality in a person, you get the feeling that he is truly a man after God's own heart
- Oswald Chambers
It is possible to know all about doctrine and still not know Jesus.
- Oswald Chambers
God does not tell you what He is going to do--He reveals to you who He is.
- Oswald Chambers
Have you ever heard the Master say something very difficult to you? If you haven't, I question whether you have ever heard Him say anything at all. Jesus says a tremendous amount to us that we listen to, but do not actually hear.
- Oswald Chambers
The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect, but obedience.
- Oswald Chambers
Your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him" (Matthew 6:8). Then why should you ask? So that you may get to know Him.
- Oswald Chambers
All things work together for good to them that love God. Romans 8:28 The circumstances of a saint's life are ordained of God. In the life of a saint there is no such thing as chance. God by His providence brings you into circumstances that you cannot understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands.
- Oswald Chambers