Quotes about Understanding
For whatever be the knowledge which we are able to obtain of God, either by perception or reflection, we must of necessity believe that He is by many degrees far better than what we perceive Him to be.
- Origen
All good thinking is a matter of asking and answering three elementary questions. What is being said? Is it true? What of it?
- Os Guinness
Jesus never spoke to two people the same way, and neither should we. Every single person is unique and individual and deserves an approach that respects that uniqueness.
- Os Guinness
As the early church boasted rightly, the message of Jesus is both simple enough for a child to paddle in and deep enough for an elephant to swim in.
- Os Guinness
There is a time for stories, and there is a time for rational arguments, and the skill we need lies in knowing which to use, and when. Put
- Os Guinness
The fact is that without God, we cannot know God. For a start, we are incapable of knowing God by ourselves, so he has to disclose himself—in revelation. But beyond that, God is a person and not an object, so if we are to know him, he must keep on showing himself to us—in relationship. Knowing God therefore begins and ends with God, and it is a gift whose name is grace.
- Os Guinness
What is the difference between God disguising himself and deceiving us? That is where the principle of suspended judgment operates. Face to face with mystery, and especially the mystery of evil, the faith that understands why it has come to trust must trust where it has not come to understand. Faith does not know why in terms of the immediate, but it knows why it trusts God who knows why in terms of the ultimate.
- Os Guinness
The first level of understanding necessary to faith is becoming critically aware of our dilemma in life without God.
- Os Guinness
Biography can overwhelm philosophy in the best of us.
- Os Guinness
Many lives have a mystical sense, but not everyone reads it aright. More often than not it is given to us in cryptic form, and when we fail to decipher it, we despair because our lives seem meaningless. The secret of a great life is often a man's success in deciphering the mysterious symbols vouchsafed to him, understanding them and so learning to walk in the true path.
- Os Guinness
Life is much more than reason, so it can never be captured and explained by reason alone—crucial and valuable though reason is. Apply reason as carefully and systematically as you like, and there will always be things it cannot explain, things that simply will not fit into its categories, however hard you push, press and pull.
- Os Guinness
we Christians must show again that we are both people of the Word and people who believe in words. Words are never mere words for us
- Os Guinness