Quotes about Understanding
Tolerance like any aspect of peace, is forever a work in progress, never completed and, if we're as intelligent as we like to think we are, never abandoned.
- Octavia Butler
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again.
- Og Mandino
The best conversations are with yourself. At least there's no risk of a misunderstanding.
- Olga Tokarczuk
There are two points of view in the world: the frog's perspective and bird's-eye view. Any point in between just leads to chaos.
- Olga Tokarczuk
You Know what, sometimes it seems to me we've living in a world that fabricate for ourselves. We decide what's good and what isn't, we draw maps of meanings for ourselves...And then we spend our whole lives struggling with what we have invented for ourselves. The problems is that each of us has our own version of it, so people find it hard to understand each other
- Olga Tokarczuk
Sometimes it happens that the souls of parents and children are fundamentally hostile to one another, and they meet in life in order to remedy this hostility.
- Olga Tokarczuk
Sometimes it seems to me we're living in a world we fabricate for ourselves. We decide what's good and what isn't, we draw maps of meanings for ourselves... And then we spend our whole lives struggling with what we have invented for ourselves. The problem is that each of us has our own version of it, so people find it hard to understand each other.
- Olga Tokarczuk
To be master of any branch of knowledge, you must master those which lie next to it; and thus to know anything you must know all.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The longer we live, the more we find we are like other persons.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
There are many things which we can afford to forget which it is yet well to learn.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
To know is not less than to feel.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
You cannot hate other people without hating your self.
- Oprah Winfrey