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Quotes about Understanding

Virtually the whole of the scriptures and the understanding of the whole of theology—the entire Christian life, even—depends upon the true understanding of the law and the gospel.
- Martin Luther
it has been and always will be my desire not to attack even those whom public repute disgraces. I am not delighted at the faults of any man, since I am very conscious myself of the great beam in my own eye, nor can I be the first to cast a stone at the adulteress.
- Martin Luther
your thoughts concerning God are too human.
- Martin Luther
To mix Law and Gospel not only clouds the knowledge of grace, it cuts out Christ altogether.
- Martin Luther
For "no one has ascended into heaven but He who descended" (John 3:13), that is, no one arrives at the understanding of divinity but he who has first been humbled and who has come down to an understanding of himself, for there he discovers the understanding of God at the same time.
- Martin Luther
For it is human to avoid or hate because of some error what you do not understand or regard as true; but to persecute manifest and acknowledged truth — this is altogether satanical.
- Martin Luther
For the statement of Isaiah (28:19) is true: "Trouble gives understanding"; likewise, hunger is the best condiment. For those who are afflicted have a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures; the smug and prosperous read them as if they were some poem written by Ovid.
- Martin Luther
Holy Ghost goes first and before in what pertains to teaching; but in what concerns hearing, the Word goes first and before, and then the Holy Ghost follows after. For we must first hear the Word, and then afterwards the Holy Ghost 'works in our hearts; he works in the hearts of whom he will, and how he will, but never without the Word.
- Martin Luther
And if what they claim were true, why have Holy Scripture at all? Of what use is Scripture?
- Martin Luther
For all our life should be baptism, and the fulfilling of the sign, or sacrament, of baptism; we have been set free from all else and wholly given over to baptism alone, that is, to death and resurrection. This glorious liberty of ours, and this understanding of baptism have been carried captive in our day
- Martin Luther
Reason fails to understand this, "for the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." (I Cor. 2:14.) It therefore seeks righteousness in externals. However, we learn from the Word of God that there is nothing under the sun that can make us righteous before God and a new creature except Christ Jesus.
- Martin Luther
for no man, without trials and temptations, can attain to the true understanding of the Holy Scriptures. 
- Martin Luther