Quotes about Dallas Willard
We cannot say too often that in the Sermon on the Mount we are not looking at laws, but at a life: a life in which the genuine laws of God eventually become naturally fulfilled.
- Dallas Willard
We must stop using the fact that we cannot earn grace ( whether for justification or for sanctification) as an excuse for not energetically seeking to receive grace.
- Dallas Willard
The Beatitudes simply cannot be "good news" if they are understood as a set of "how-tos" for achieving blessedness. They would then only amount to a new legalism. They would not serve to throw open the kingdom—anything but. They would impose a new brand of Phariseeism, a new way of closing the door—as well as some very gratifying new possibilities for the human engineering of righteousness.
- Dallas Willard
Bodily habits are the primary form in which human evil exists in practical life.
- Dallas Willard
Art is lost in pop "art" as sport is lost in professional "sport"—which is an oxymoron of the strongest kind. Absurdity reigns, and confusion makes it look good.
- Dallas Willard
The effect of the rupture that sin created in the relationship between the man and the woman is this: mistrust, anger, and disappointment became the standard quality of human life. Even
- Dallas Willard
This can also be a time of confession, in which you ask for the strength to deal with the failures you experience day by day.
- Dallas Willard
Quite candidly, if it is possible for our faith and works to be hidden, perhaps that only shows they are of a kind that should be hidden. We might, in that case, think about directing our efforts toward the cultivation of a faith that is impossible to hide.
- Dallas Willard
That is, his death was a revelation of the nature of basic reality. Without knowledge of it and its meaning, we are desperately ignorant of reality, and therefore all our thinking can only result in monstrous falsehoods.
- Dallas Willard
The Kingdom Among Us is simply God himself and the spiritual realm of beings over which his will perfectly presides—"as it is in the heavens.
- Dallas Willard
To allow lust (or strong desires) to govern our life is to exalt our will over God's.
- Dallas Willard
The soul's order is re-established in God through the law.
- Dallas Willard