Quotes about War
Our schoolbooks glorify war and conceal its horrors. They indoctrinate children with hatred. I would teach peace rather than war, love rather than hate.
- Albert Einstein
Thus violent deeds live after men upon the earth, and traces of war and bloodshed will survive in mournful shapes long after those who worked the desolation are but atoms of earth themselves.
- Charles Dickens
The notion that disarmament can put a stop to war is contradicted by the nearest dogfight.
- George Bernard Shaw
But as long as evil persists in the world— and it will until Jesus returns— there will be wars.
- Susan May Warren
Never go to war without God, Riley. Only when you belong completely to him can he truly use you.
- Susan May Warren
Language can never 'pin down' slavery, genocide, war. Nor should it yearn for the arrogance to be able to do so. Its force, its felicity, is in its reach toward the ineffable.
- Toni Morrison
Lay em down, Sethe. Sword and shield. Down. Down. Both of em down. Down by the riverside. Sword and shield. Don't study war no more,. Lay all that mess down.
- Toni Morrison
The devil is the ultimate pervert. He is a master at twisting Scriptures to imprison, disempower, deceive and destroy people. The most destructive weapon in the world is the Word of God in the hands of the devil. The Bible misapplied is worse than a lie - it is religion. Religion starts wars, divides believers and oppresses people. The devil even used the Bible to tempt Jesus in the wilderness.
- Kris Vallotton
Did you notice that trials do not test our character, they test our faith? Faith is fundamentally a relational term—it is not first a matter of what you believe, but of whom you trust. The battle for our trust is as old as Adam and Eve. In the midst of battle, it can seem so complex, but when the dust settles and the smoke clears, the real war is always over the same question—whom will we believe? Whom will we listen to, God or the devil?
- Kris Vallotton
Because I carried the war in me, I foresaw it.
- Carl Jung
The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them.
- George W. Bush
I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.
- George W. Bush