Quotes about Tolerance
Involuntary organizations ought to be tolerant, but voluntary organizations, so far as the fundamental purpose of their existence is concerned, must be intolerant or else cease to exist.
- J. Gresham Machen
We should always aim to read something different=not only the writers with whom we agree, but those with whom we are ready to do battle. Their point of view challenges us to examine the truth and to test their views...and let us not comment on nor criticize writers of whom we have heard only second-hand, or third-hand without troubling to read their works for ourselves...Don't be afraid of new ideas.
- J. Oswald Sanders
To try to preemptively shut down debate with name-calling is profoundly un-American and will harm this country.
- Eric Metaxas
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
- St. Augustine
Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.
- Mahatma Gandhi
No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion.
- Nelson Mandela
If we live in peace ourselves, we in turn may bring peace to others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one.
- Thomas a Kempis
The chief aim of wisdom is to enable one to bear with the stupidity of the ignorant.
- Winston Churchill
It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Marriage is mostly puttin' up with things, I reckon, when it ain't makin' believe.
- Ellen Glasgow
Men remain in ignorance as long as they hate, and they hate unjustly as long as they remain in ignorance.
- Tertullian
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.