Quotes about Tolerance
Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down.
- Dale Carnegie
One of his favourite quotations was 'Judge not, that ye be not judged.
- Dale Carnegie
I am going to meet people today who talk too much—people who are selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But I won't be surprised or disturbed, for I couldn't imagine a world without such people.
- Dale Carnegie
Instead of condemning people, let's try to understand them. Let's try to figure out why they do what they do. That's a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it breeds sympathy, tolerance, and kindness. "To know all is to forgive all." As Dr. Johnson said: "God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days." Why should you and I?
- Dale Carnegie
Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, 'You're wrong.
- Dale Carnegie
Tolerance is not indifference, but a generous regard and even provision for those who differ from us on points we deeply care about.
- Dallas Willard
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
- Ephesians 4:2
This is the age of the new tolerance and it is producing a bumper crop of anti-Christian and anti-American sentiment.
- Josh McDowell
When you are offended at anyone's fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. By attending to them, you will forget your anger and learn to live wisely.
- Marcus Aurelius
With malice towards none; with charity for all.
- Abraham Lincoln
We don't need much imagination to imagine that to be free of hatred, of enmity, of the endless and hopeless effort to oppose violence with violence, would be to have life more abundantly. To be free of indifference would be to have life more abundantly. To be free of the insane rationalizations for our desire to kill one another-that surely would be to have life more abundantly.
- Wendell Berry
What can't be helped must be endured.
- Wendell Berry