Quotes about Tolerance
Patience is the ability to wait and calmly preserve. We all grow impatient, but some people have more trouble waiting than others do. We tend to forget that all good things take time.
- John Wooden
My religion is kindness. THE DALAI LAMA
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
The golden way is to be friends with the world and to regard the whole human family as one.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Patience with family members and others who are close to us is vital for us to have happy homes.
- Joseph Wirthlin
For a non-violent person the whole world is one family. He will thus fear none, nor will others fear him.
- Mahatma Gandhi
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.
- Phillips Brooks
It is man's peculiar duty to love even those who wrong him.
- Marcus Aurelius
We have to have a deep, patient compassion for the fears of others and irrational mania of those who hate or condemn us.
- Thomas Merton
Reject hatred without hating.
- Mary Baker Eddy
Be assured that if you knew all, you would pardon all.
- Thomas a Kempis
Know all and you will pardon all.
- Thomas a Kempis