Quotes about Shaking
He shakes the earth from its place, so that its foundations tremble.
- Job 9:6
Yet today they will halt at Nob, shaking a fist at the mount of Daughter Zion, at the hill of Jerusalem.
- Isaiah 10:32
For this is what the LORD of Hosts says: “Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.
- Haggai 2:6
Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. At once all the doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose.
- Acts 16:26
God tells us that when we do not listen to His Son and apply His truth, He will shake up our lives in order to get our attention (see Hebrews 12:10-11).
- Tony Evans
She shakes him; that is what she presumable does to other readers too. That is, presumably why, in the larger picture, she exists. What a strange reward for a lifetime of shaking people: to be conveyed to this town in Pennsylvania and given money!
- JM Coetzee
It is always a painful process and often a most discouraging one. The process continues until all that can be shaken is removed and only those things which cannot be shaken remain. Through this shaking the deliverance for which we prayed is accomplished. Through it all, we will be brought into the secure place for which we long."3
- Neil Anderson
I will shake the house of Israel among all the nations, as one shakes a sieve, but not a pebble will fall to the ground. Amos 9:9
- Beth Moore
To help them was tantamount to shaking one's fist at God. Raising their sights from the vulgar spectacle of things like public hangings could rock the boat of civil society and mustn't be attempted.
- Eric Metaxas
These consecrated ones, by their lifestyles and anointings, shook people out of their complacency and confronted the religious status quo with a burning zeal for the name and fame of God.
- Lou Engle
Fear came upon me, and trembling.
- Anonymous
The fixedness of the human mind is the 'wall of Jericho' to Gospel preaching. God must shake, or there will be no shaking.
- Elisabeth Elliot