Quotes about Life
The highest knowledge is to know that we are surrounded by mystery. Neither knowledge nor hope for the future can be the pivot of our life or determine its direction. It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His.
- Albert Schweitzer
When the act of reflection takes place in the mind, when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, we discover that our life is embosomed in beauty.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Spirit is an invisible force made visible in all life.
- Maya Angelou
For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.
- Proverbs 8:35
Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
- John 14:6
A happy life is one which is in accordance with its own nature.
- Seneca
To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.
- Samuel Johnson
Reverence for life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life, and that to destroy, to harm, or to hinder life is evil
- Albert Schweitzer
Neither one should hesitate about dedicating oneself to philosophy when young, nor should get tired of doing it when one's old, because no one is ever too young or too old to reach one's soul's healthy.
- Epicurus
Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitudes toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.
- Charles Swindoll
It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated...it is finished when it surrenders.
- Ben Stein
Life is a warfare and a stranger's sojourn, and after fame is oblivion.
- Marcus Aurelius