Quotes about Sex
The emotions of Faith, Love, and Sex, when mixed with any thought impulse, give it greater action than any of these emotions can do singly.
- Napoleon Hill
Every single cell in each person's body tells us whether that person is a male or a female. There is no human being in history whose cells have some mixture of the two, nor anyone who has ever been able to change that cellular reality.
- Eric Metaxas
For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well.
- JM Coetzee
for the first time in his life, sex is located away from all danger, away from conflict and drama, away from persecution, away from any accusation, away from worries; he has nothing to take care of, love is taking care of him, love as he's always wanted it and never had it: love-repose; love-oblivion; love-desertion; love-carefreeness; love-meaningless.
- Milan Kundera
Sex. It's the biggest sham of all. I mean, your whole life, all you ever hear is how you're supposed to save yourself for marriage. And how it's so special. And then you finally do it. And you're like, that's it? This is what everyone's been raving about?
- Candace Bushnell
Physical pleasure was such a convincing illusion, and sex, the ultimate charade of safety.
- Barbara Kingsolver
We're only what we are: a woman cycling with the moon, and a tribe of men trying to have sex with the sky.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Classically, there are three ways in which humans try to find transcendence--religious meaning--apart from God as revealed through the cross of Jesus: through the ecstasy of alcohol and drugs, through the ecstasy of recreational sex, through the ecstasy of crowds. Church leaders frequently warn against the drugs and the sex, but at least, in America, almost never against the crowds.
- Eugene Peterson
Today our world is mad in its obsession with pleasure, sex, and money. Its ear is too dull to hear the truth. Most men's eyes are blind. They do not want to see. They do not want to hear. They hurry to their doom.
- Billy Graham
As selfishness and complaint pervert and cloud the mind, so sex with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
- Helen Keller
THOSE who start with the pagan philosophy of sex must face life as a descent. Associated with a growing old, there is a loss of physical energy and the horrible perspective of death. The Christian philosophy of love, on the contrary, implies an ascension. The body may grow older, but the Spirit grows younger, and love often becomes more intense.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
If sex does not mount to heaven, it descends into hell. There is no such thing as giving the body without giving the soul.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen