Quotes about Peace
British preacher Charles Spurgeon (1834—1892) said, "Those who are 'beloved of the Lord' must be the most happy and joyful people to be found anywhere upon the face of the earth.
- Randy Alcorn
I'm not always happy, any more than I'm always holy. But by God's grace, I'm happier in Christ now than I've ever been.
- Randy Alcorn
In the mid-1600s, Puritan John Gibbon said, "God alone is enough, but without him, nothing [is enough] for thy happiness."[218] Whether or not we're conscious of it, since God is the fountainhead of happiness, the search for happiness is always the search for God.
- Randy Alcorn
Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6, emphasis added). Call that payoff contentment, satisfaction, peace, or excitement—it all adds up to one word: happiness
- Randy Alcorn
God promises something that has never yet been true of the earthly Jerusalem: "I will make peace your governor and righteousness your ruler. No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise" (vv. 17-18).
- Randy Alcorn
the video Homesick for Heaven: www.epm.org/homesick
- Randy Alcorn
To be truly happy—a man must have sources of gladness which are not dependent on anything in this world." —J. C. Ryle
- Randy Alcorn
Presence, relationship, holiness, trust, beauty, goodness, peace—all were present in the relationship between God and humanity at creation. By playing God and redefining good and evil according to our own discretion, we introduced into the human spirit disobedience, absence, severance, distrust, evil, and restlessness.
- Ravi Zacharias
Thomas Merton once said, "We cannot be at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we cannot be at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.
- Ravi Zacharias
David talked often about how discouraged or fearful he would become at times. Then he would interject these words, But then I entered the sanctuary... Being in God's presence affects all other relationships for the better. To have first seen her husband in prayer surely remained a cherish moment for Rebekah.
- Ravi Zacharias
The best guardian of your own peace is the precaution you take to keep your heart guarded for God and by God.
- Ravi Zacharias
What a wonderful day it was when I stopped running and, by His strength, let the embrace of His love envelop me.
- Ravi Zacharias