Quotes about Peace
Arm yourself with resignation. We live in a world full of evil. In the later period of life, misfortunes seem to thicken round us and out duty and our peace both require that we should accustom ourselves to meet disaster with Christian fortitude
- Alexander Hamilton
Every man who loves peace, every man who loves his country, every man who loves liberty, ought to have it ever before his eyes, that he may cherish in his heart a due attachment to the Union of America, and be able to set a due value on the means of preserving it.
- Alexander Hamilton
I always tell people, anger is like liquid. It's fluid, it's like water. You put it in a container and it takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container.
- Leymah Gbowee
I cannot think that when God sent us into the world, he had irreversibly decreed that we should be perpetually miserable in it. If our taking up the Cross imply our bidding adieu to all joy and satisfaction, how is it reconcilable with what Solomon expressly affirms of religion, that 'her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace?'
- John Wesley
In many ways, when you're a Nobel peace laureate, you have an obligation to humankind, to society.
- Desmond Tutu
Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others.
- Alexander Hamilton
Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation, in arbitration; but the soldier's occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
We cannot afford to regard as normal the presence of injustice, inhumanity, and violence, including their verbal and cyber manifestations.
- Bernice King
My way of putting it is that Christians are called to live nonviolently not because we believe nonviolence is a strategy to rid the world of war, but in a world of war as faithful followers of Christ, we cannot imagine being anything other than nonviolent.
- Stanley Hauerwas
It is not the strong who are dangerous to the world and to themselves. It is the weak and the inadequate who threaten - and sometimes destroy - mankind's peace and prosperity.
- Vernon Howard
There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people.
- Muhammad Ali
With thoughts of the past and concerns about the future, we rob ourselves of a full experience of the present.
- Marianne Williamson