Quotes about Love
what God loves more than anything else is childlike faith. It's our childlike faith, not our theological vocabulary, that moves the heart of our heavenly Father. It's simple childlike trust. It's the bedrock belief that God is bigger than our problem, bigger than our mistake, bigger than our dream.
- Mark Batterson
that is how our enemy operates. He prowls around like a roaring lion. But the important word is like. He's an imposter. Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. And when He roars, everything is shaken. All authority under heaven and on earth is His. And we are His children. Why don't we live like it, love like it, give like it, serve like it, and pray like it?
- Mark Batterson
God is infinitely bigger than your biggest problem or biggest dream. And while we're on the topic, His grace is infinitely bigger than your biggest sin.
- Mark Batterson
If Christians believe that God is in every person, why don't we act like that?
- Mark Batterson
Are you playing offense in your marriage? Or are you playing a prevent defense that leaves romance on the sidelines? Are you parenting reactively or proactively? Do you have a spiritual growth plan? Are you working for a paycheck or stewarding your God-given gifts pursuing a God-ordained dream? Are you trying to break even spiritually by avoiding sin? Or are you going for broke by invading the darkness with the light and love of Jesus Christ?
- Mark Batterson
The goal of marriage is not happiness, it is holiness...There is no mechanism whereby God can sanctify a person more than having them live in close proximity to another imperfect person. ...Our fundamental problem is that we are selfish. Marriage is the means whereby God eradicates our selfishness because it is not about "me" anymore, i t is about "we.
- Mark Batterson
Holiness is not a bid to be noticed or loved or accepted by God. Holiness, rather, is acting out and acting upon the truth that God has noticed, loved and accepted us long before we did anything to warrant that.
- Mark Buchanan
To be a missionary you don't have to cross the sea, you just have to see the cross.
- Mark Cahill
It should be considered illegal for a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ not to be burning with passion for our Lord and burning with passion for the lost.
- Mark Cahill
Christian proclamation might make the gospel audible, but Christians living together in local congregations make the gospel visible (see John 13:34—35). The church is the gospel made visible.
- Mark Dever
Local churches exist to display God's glory to the nations. We do that by fixing our eyes on the gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting him for salvation, and then loving one another with God's own holiness, unity, and love.
- Mark Dever
In many ways a church is simply a group of people who are living lives of love (John 13:34—35) because they all agree on how they have been loved in Christ.
- Mark Dever