Quotes about Singular
I'm single because I was born that way.
- Mae West
God made only one you and He threw the mold away.
- RT Kendall
I like taking up exceptional characters.
- Sudha Chandran
Phenomenons only happen once in a lifetime.
- Jaime Camil
When each thing is unique in itself, there can be no comparison made.... There is only this strange recognition of present otherness.
- DH Lawrence
The work so performed is both remarkable and singular. It is a great work of love.
- Gordon Hinckley
I am one of those who are made for exceptions, not for laws.
- Oscar Wilde
You are something new in this world. Never before, since the beginning of time, has there ever been anybody exactly like you; and never again throughout all the ages to come will there ever be anybody exactly like you again.
- Dale Carnegie
The singular demand for production has been unable to acknowledge the importance of the sources of production in nature and in human culture.
- Wendell Berry
I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Common is not the same as universal.
- Mortimer Adler
The boy is special, Aunt Annie told his mother, and his mother in turn told him. But what kind of special? No one ever says.
- JM Coetzee