Quotes about Attentiveness
Our attentiveness to the Father is equally as important as the Father's attentiveness to us.
- Dutch Sheets
Too many sit at the banquet table of the gospel of Jesus Christ and merely nibble at the feast placed before them. They go through the motions - attending their meetings perhaps, glancing at scriptures, repeating familiar prayers - but their hearts are far away.
- Joseph Wirthlin
Good listeners, like precious gems, are to be treasured.
- Walter Anderson
Peace requires the capacity to forgive. Peace requires a readiness to share generously. Peace requires the violation of strict class stratification in society. Peace requires attentiveness to the vulnerable and the unproductive. Peace requires humility in the face of exaltation, being last among those who insist on being first and denying self in the interest of the neighbor. These are all practices that mark his presence in his society.
- Walter Brueggemann
Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Put your ear to the ground of God's word and listen to the rumble of His faithfulness coming.
- John Piper
One reason why we fail to hear God speak is that we are not attentive. We suffer from what might be called 'spiritual mindlessness.'
- John Ortberg