Quotes about Patience
Let nothing disturb thee; Let nothing dismay thee; All things pass; God never changes. Patience attains All that it strives for.
- Teresa of Avila
Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything.
- Mother Teresa
The disciples of a patient Saviour should be patient themselves.
- Charles Spurgeon
Those who do not hope cannot wait; but if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
- Charles Spurgeon
Everything comes if a man will only wait.
- Benjamin Disraeli
All things pass... Patience attains all it strives for.
- Teresa of Avila
Humility and patience are the surest proofs of the increase of love.
- John Wesley
Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.
- Aristotle
Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil... a forbearance that restrains us from showing anger or inflicting punishment. Tolerance applies only to persons... never to truth.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Patience and foresight are the two most important qualities in business
- Henry Ford
Cease to be a disobedient child in the school of experience, and begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your ultimate perfection.
- James Allen
There is nothing which so certifies the genuineness of a man's faith as his patience and his patient endurance, his keeping on steadily in spite of everything.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones