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Quotes about Patience

Prayer is handing God a blank sheet that you have already signed and trusting him to fill it out as he sees fit.
- Paul David Tripp
Your rest is not to be found in figuring your life out, but in trusting the One who has it all figured out for your good and his glory.
- Paul David Tripp
Love calls you to be silent when you want to speak, and to speak when you would like to be silent.
- Paul David Tripp
So instead of wasting time on that endless quest for life, you have been invited to enter into God's rest for the rest of your life. Rest in your identity as his child. Rest in his eternal love. Rest in his powerful grace. Rest in his constant presence and faithful provision. Rest in his patience and forgiveness. Rest.
- Paul David Tripp
In moments when you wish you knew what you can't know, there is rest to be found. There is One who knows.
- Paul David Tripp
No, trials expose what we have always been. Trials bare things to which we would have otherwise been blind. So, too, the teen years expose our self-righteousness, our impatience, our unforgiving spirit, our lack of servant love, the weakness of our faith, and our craving for comfort and ease.
- Paul David Tripp
when we are living in the middle of difficulty, we are tempted to view it as a sign of God's unfaithfulness or inattention.
- Paul David Tripp
For the believer, harsh, critical, impatient, and irritated responses to others are always connected to forgetting or denying who we are and what we have been given in Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
True biblical love doesn't just accept you, bless you with patience, and greet your failures with forgiveness. Along with all these things, it works to do everything it can to protect you from the eternal weaknesses of heart that make you susceptible to temptation.
- Paul David Tripp
Sure, there are times I get tired and wish he'd up and leave, but I don't get despondent.
- Paul David Tripp
You see, you and I only ever really understand the painful trials of this moment when we look at them through the lens of eternity.
- Paul David Tripp
There is a God of awesome grace who meets his children in moments of darkness and difficulty. He is worth running to. He is worth waiting for. He brings rest when it seems like there is no rest to be found.
- Paul David Tripp