Quotes about Patience
Even when bad things happen, He can use them for good.
- Lynn Austin
We show our faith in God when we keep moving forward even when our prayers aren't being answered. It's the highest form of praise to keep believing that God is good even when it doesn't seem that way.
- Lynn Austin
I've discovered that the things that happen in my life make a lot more sense when I include God in the picture. It's like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the front of the box. You can do it, but the task of putting thousands of tiny pieces together will sure go easier and make a lot more sense if you can take a peek at the bigger picture now and then.
- Lynn Austin
Prayer doesn't come with guarantees. We can't change God's mind by pleading with Him. But praying will bring us closer to Him, so He can comfort us and let us know He loves us no matter what happens.
- Lynn Austin
Sometimes when He seems the farthest away from us, He's really the closest.
- Lynn Austin
The journey has been a parody of my life recently: rushing, waiting, wandering, feeling lost and losing sleep, wondering if I'm getting anywhere.
- Lynn Austin
let Him run things the way He knows best, according to His will. Trust Him, Missy. Trust that everything you done for Him and everything you gave up for Him has a purpose. God will give it all meaning in the end.
- Lynn Austin
Love for God is never instant. It has to grow and mature just like any other kind of love. The struggle is always with our will.
- Lynn Austin
Don't ask God what He's doing. That's the wrong thing to ask. Ask Him what you should be doing.
- Lynn Austin
It's the highest form of praise," Abba had said, "to keep believing that God is good even when it doesn't seem that way.
- Lynn Austin
Folks get set on having their own way, and they end up with their hearts broken when it don't happen. God's the one who's deciding what's going to be and what ain't. He knows what's best even if we're too stubborn to realize it sometimes. We're like little kids fighting over the wishbone, squabbling about who's gonna get his wish. Bible says that even though we make lots of plans, it's the Lord who's gonna have his way.
- Lynn Austin
Faith don't come in a bushel basket, Missy. It come one step at a time. Decide to trust Him for one little thing today, and before you know it, you find out He's so trustworthy you be putting your whole life in His hands.
- Lynn Austin