Quotes about Patience
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
- Confucius
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.
- Confucius
Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.
- Cormac McCarthy
Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Dear Jesus...how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Father sat down on the edge of the narrow bed. "Corrie," he began gently, "when you and I go to Amsterdam-when do I give you your ticket?" I sniffed a few times, considering this. "Why, just before we get on the train." "Exactly. And our wise Father in heaven knows when we're going to need things, too. Don't run out ahead of Him, Corrie. When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need-just in time.
- Corrie Ten Boom
When I try, I fail. When I trust, He succeeds.
- Corrie Ten Boom
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
- Corrie Ten Boom
And our wise Father in heaven knows when we're going to need things too. Don't run out ahead of Him.
- Corrie Ten Boom
The tree on the mountain takes whatever the weather brings. If it has any choice at all, it is in putting down roots as deeply as possible."---Each New Day
- Corrie Ten Boom
He uses our problems for His miracles. This was my first lesson in learning to trust Him completely...
- Corrie Ten Boom
and here I felt a strange leaping of my heart-God did! My job was to simply follow His leading one step at a time, holding every decision up to him in prayer.
- Corrie Ten Boom