Quotes about Self-validation
No self-acceptance is possible if one is not accepted in a person-to-person relation.
- Paul Tillich
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they show their ignorance.
- 2 Corinthians 10:12
You shouldn't become too concerned about what others might think of you. You should be more concerned about what you think of yourself.
- John Maxwell
I didn't want to need his affirmation. But part of our selves is spirit, and our spirits are thirsty, and my father's words went into my spirit like water.
- Donald Miller
I had allowed to settle into the core of who I am. I talked about myself in ways I would never let another person.
- Lysa TerKeurst
A man whose identity flows out of deep validation doesn't wilt under criticism. He enjoys applause when it comes but frankly isn't desperate for it. He can walk away from work at five o'clock; he doesn't measure his success by how much money he makes. We grow into this man, to be sure; I'm not setting a new standard of perfection. But what I am describing.
- John Eldredge
We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.
- Malcolm X
Know that any and all thoughts that you have regarding your own skills, interests, and inclinations are valid. To reinforce the validity of your thoughts, keep them private. Tell yourself that they're between you and God.
- Wayne Dyer
The people who receive the most approval in life are the ones who care the least about it--so technically, if you want the approval of others, you need to stop caring about it.
- Wayne Dyer
If you want your dream more than you have to have people's affirmation, that's how you break through your border bullies.
- Bruce Wilkinson
Nobody knew I was done. Nobody cared. But I knew. I felt like a dragon I'd been fighting all my life had just dropped dead at my feet and gasped out its last sulfuric breath. Rest in peace, motherfucker.
- Steven Pressfield
You can not live your life just based on what everyone else thinks.
- Joyce Meyer