Quotes about Compromise
Abraham Lincoln was often criticized for trying to make friends with his enemies instead of trying to get rid of them. He replied, "Isn't that what I'm doing when I make an enemy a friend?
- Sean Covey
In our culture of "seeker sensitivity" and radical inclusivity, the great temptation is to compromise the cost of discipleship in order to draw a larger crowd. With the most sincere hearts, we do not want to see anyone walk away from Jesus because of the discomfort of his cross, so we clip the claws on the Lion a little, we clean up a bit the bloody Passion we are called to follow.
- Shane Claiborne
I've done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price - which has been the case most of the time.
- Paulo Coelho
Resist the need to be 'right' all the time or to always have the last word.
- Joyce Meyer
Come now. let us reason together.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found even for those problems which seem most intractable.
- Nelson Mandela
In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." (Atlas Shrugged)
- Ayn Rand
When numbers are substituted for morality, and no individual can claim a right, but any gang can assert any desire whatever, when compromise is the only policy expected of those in power, and the preservation of the moment's "stability," of peace at any price, is their only goal—the winner, necessarily, is whoever presents the most unjust and irrational demands; the system serves as an open invitation to do so.
- Ayn Rand
In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube.
- Ayn Rand
The excuse, given in all such cases, is that the "compromise" is only temporary and that one will reclaim one's integrity at some indeterminate future date. But one cannot correct a husband's or wife's irrationality by giving in to it and encouraging it to grow. One cannot achieve the victory of one's ideas by helping to propagate their opposite.
- Ayn Rand
At some fundamental level, religion does not allow for compromise. It insists on the impossible. If God has spoken, then followers are expected to live up to God's edicts, regardless of the consequences. To base one's life on such uncompromising commitments may be sublime; to base our policy making on such commitments would be a dangerous thing.
- Barack Obama
So secure was his power that rumblings of discontent had finally surfaced within his own base, among black nationalists upset with his willingness to cut whites and Hispanics into the action, among activists disappointed with his failure to tackle poverty head-on, and among people who preferred the dream to the reality, impotence to compromise.
- Barack Obama