Quotes about Goal
The goal is not to run a program called "Missional Community." The goal is to learn how to function as an extended family on mission.
- Mike Breen
The goals we pursue are always veiled. A girl who longs for marriage longs for something she knows nothing about. The boy who hankers after fame has no idea what fame is. The thing that gives our every move its meaning is always totally unknown to us.
- Milan Kundera
The ultimate goal of all personal and national authority is freedom
- Myles Munroe
The future goal is the thing which produces character in the present.
- NT Wright
United worship here and now, rather than disunited church life in the present and a distant "heaven" after death, was always, as far as Paul was concerned, the divinely intended goal of the Messiah's death.
- NT Wright
The old idea that the goal of Christian existence is simply "going to heaven" doesn't, in fact, do very much to stimulate the fully fledged virtue we find advocated in the New Testament.
- NT Wright
This summary may be enough to alert us to the fact that, in Paul's presentation of salvation, the goal is for humans to share the "royal" and "priestly" ministry of the Messiah himself.
- NT Wright
The "goal" is not "heaven," but a renewed human vocation within God's renewed creation. This is what every biblical book from Genesis on is pointing toward.
- NT Wright
Once we get the goal right (the new creation, not just "heaven") and the human problem properly diagnosed (idolatry and the corruption of vocation, not just "sin"), the larger biblical vision of Jesus's death begins to come into view.
- NT Wright
Though many Christians in the Western world have imagined that the aim or goal of being a Christian is simply "to go to heaven when you die," the New Testament holds out something much richer and more interesting.
- NT Wright
But if there had been an earlier "victory," when did it take place? Matthew, Mark, and Luke all supply the answer: at the beginning of Jesus's public career, during his forty-day fast in the desert, when the satan tried to distract him, to persuade him to grasp the right goal by the wrong means, and so to bring him over to his side (Matt. 4:1—11; Mark 1:12—13; Luke 4:1—13).
- NT Wright
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.
- Napoleon Hill